Regulatory Compliance Seminars
We’re proud to offer a variety of live training seminars for you and your staff. Our high quality seminars are focused on producing understandable content that is directly applicable to improving the quality and safety in your department. Each seminar can be customized to meet your specific needs. Additionally, we work with several technologists that can provide modality specific technical training. Examples of our live training sessions include
• Radiation Safety • CT Dose Optimization
• Fluoroscopy User Training • Fluoroscopy Safety
• DOT Hazmat Training • MRI Safety
• X-Ray Safety • Radiation Physics
• Radiation Biology • …and much more!
Our Regulatory Compliance Seminars meet the requirements for ASRT Credit approval. Please let us know if you would like your seminar to be approved by the ASRT for continuing education credits.

Radiation Safety Officer Training
Coming in 2022!