Target Audience: X-Ray Technologists, Radiologists, Radiology Nurses, ancillary Radiology staff
Course Duration: 1.5 Hour
Course Description: Our online X-Ray Safety course is designed to meet radiation safety requirements for radiation workers and give radiology professionals additional knowledge to keep themselves and their patients safe. Unlike other basic radiation safety courses, we focus specifically on radiation safety in a general X-Ray environment to increase applicability for radiographers. We also cover practical situations in an X-Ray department and demonstrate ways to decrease radiation dose to staff as well as patients. Topics include:
• Discovery of X-Rays
• Radiation Dose
• Biological Effects of Radiation
• Radiation Dose Limits & Dosimetry
• ALARA Philosophy – Protecting Yourself!
• Shielding for X-Rays
• X-Ray Production & Technical Factors
• Beam Hardening & Filtering
• Automatic Exposure Control
• Film vs. CR. vs. DR
• Radiation Dose Optimization Techniques in X-Ray
• Image Quality & Radiation Dose
• Protecting Your Patients
• Room Design & Layout
• Practical Tips for Optimizing Patient & Staff Safety
• …and much more!
Upon completion of the online X-Ray Safety course, students will be able to print a Certificate of Completion.
System Requirements: You will need a high-speed internet connection and a current web browser.